Celebrating the premium Selection brand : a succesful story from Montaña Azul and Automercado Costa Rica

On a beautiful videoclip the Premium Supermarket chain Automercado Costa Rica, recognizes the relationship with Montaña Azul through the years, describing it as one of the first collaborations established to their beloved brand “Seleccion Auto”.

Along with the amazing views of the Montaña Azul facilities and environment, the green of the plantations and blue of the mountains of Braulio Carrio National Park ( from where the company takes the Montaña Azul blue mountain name), the Director Pahola Arias describes some details about the evolution of the story between both companies and inside information about the collaboration within the Costa Rica retail market.

The Director explained about the environmentally friendly farming, where the regeneration of each Bactris Gasipaes tree allows the constant harvesting of the palm trees. Montaña Azul is an economical engine for the district of Horquetas de Sarapiquí, where over 100 families are involved in the production of frozen and canned foods.

The Supermarket Automercado celebrates with this video the relationship with Montaña Azul and we understand this video as a little tribute to the work of nature itself, the team of commited collaborators, hardworking providers, who have constantly through the years achieved to create this Premium Brand “Selección Auto”.

Bravo to both companies!

Video source: Automercado Supermarket, published July 2023.

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